A Carless Life

Over the past months Anik See worked on a new radiodocumentary about living without a car.


‘Our love affair with the car has turned into a relationship of dependence, shaping our lives and our cities. But what if our lives were freer without them? For decades the car has been touted as something that gives us independence. But congestion and cost are turning more and more people away from owning one. How do they see things differently on bike or foot? And how are cities approaching alternatives to car ownership? Writer and radio producer Anik See explores carless lives across three generations and three continents. She speaks with experts and citizens alike in Australia, Europe and North America—where car is king—and she takes us on a brief tour of the world’s ultimate carless city—Venice.’

Anik is a Canadian writer and radio documentary maker. She works and lives in Marci Panis. (The photo is by Walter van Broekhuizen).

The documentary was aired on Monday July 20th 2015. Listen to it on the site of Australian National Radio.